Christmas Bicycle Giveaway

The Christmas Bike giveaway entered its 34th year in 2023 and has expanded beyond our wildest expectations. It started as a simple idea. To have inmates give back to their community by refurbishing bicycles that would be gifted to children at Christmas time. This program now serves children throughout the county and includes community donations for bike helmets that are correctly fitted to each recipient.

This program receives notoriety during the holidays but it is a year-round effort. Starting in the Spring the community is solicited to donate new or used bicycles to the program. Our donations range from old bicycles that are not being used anymore, to bikes that just need a little TLC. Donations can be dropped off at any of our patrol stations in Templeton, Los Osos, Oceano, or at the Honor Farm off Highway 1 near Cuesta College.

Once donated bikes arrive at the Honor Farm, the inmates immediately begin refurbishing the bikes to like-new condition. The program instills in the inmates a positive work ethic, self-respect, and a sense of worth to the community. For the past few years, we’ve had members of Bike SLO County donate countless hours of education, supervision, and coordination to help make this program a success.

Applications for bicycles can be found at local primary schools through each school’s resource officer. It’s important to keep in mind that your donation helps to create childhood memories and provides a healthy outlet for youthful energy. The impact of this program cannot be measured by the bikes given to children. Instead please consider donating to this program because it lifts up families during the stressful holiday season.

If you would like to donate a bike to this program please contact the Honor Farm at 805-781-4637.