Criminal Justice System Scholarship
by Joe Schimandle
The San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation’s (SAF) scholarship fund has been made available by a generous donation from Retired Judge Richard C. and Mary Kirkpatrick, who donated $100,000 to SAF. The scholarship fund honors the memory of Retired Judge Richard C. Kirkpatrick who passed away in July 2017. The scholarship fund was created to give residents of San Luis Obispo County, North Santa Barbara County, and the City of Santa Maria scholarships to advance their careers in the criminal justice system. The fund is intended to help working adults pay for educational and career advancement expenses that might not be otherwise affordable.
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship award, an applicant must be living in San Luis Obispo County, North Santa Barbara County, or the City of Santa Maria and employed in the Criminal Justice System who can use funds to advance their career in the Criminal Justice System.
Qualified applicants are required to (1) complete a SAF Criminal Justice Career Scholarship Application and (2) send the completed application and their resume to San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation, P. O. Box 3752, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403 to the attention of the Scholarship Committee Chairman. The application may also be submitted to the SAF Scholarship Committee Chairman c/o Joe Schimandle at
Scholarship awards are intended to pay for tuition & school fees, class textbooks, supplies and materials, license and examination fees, and other qualified Criminal Justice System education expenses. Tuition and school fees will be paid directly to the school’s financial aid office to be applied to the student’s account. All other expenses will be reimbursed upon submitting a request for reimbursement with the appropriate receipt to the SAF Scholarship Chairman at the same address above.
Interested parties should contact Joe Schimandle through the above email address for further information or to obtain an application form to begin the process of applying for a scholarship award.